Report Document Types

You can create reports in different formats such as PDF, EXCEL, TEXT, CSV, GRAPHIC. You can open the reports you create on your device or share them

  1. On the Home screen, click the reports button. On the screen that opens, you will need to select an exam. Click on the exam and go to the reports screen

  2. You can click on any report. For example, you can tap detailed reports

  3. On the screen that opens, press the save button

  4. The Report Settings screen will open. On this screen, you can change the settings under the document settings section

  5. You must activate the type of document you want to create. If you enable the Zip setting, all files are compressed into a single file. If you're going to create a lot of files, you can make them into one file and share them

  6. If you enable the Drill file name setting, the quiz name is added to the report name when the file is created.

  7. If you enable a different file setting for groups and the grouping is made, a different file is created for each group